Serving the residents of Gray since 1929.

Gray Water District serves 1100 connections to numerous local businesses and residences. Our main source is the Libby Brook aquifer located at 80 Shaker Road. Our secondary source is located at 299 Yarmouth Road.

Quality on tap! 

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide safe, high quality drinking water that is dependable and distributed at a fair and reasonable cost. We will conduct business in a professional, ethical and courteous manner.



Double Walled Home Heating Oil Tanks

Did you know?? If you live in Gray's wellhead protection zones and are replacing your oil tank or installing a new one, State law requires a double wall tank or secondary containment installed by licensed technicians. This law does not require the replacement of a...

Upcoming Events

Phone:  207-657-3500

Office Hours
Monday – Thursday
9:00 am to 12:30 pm

Service Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Mailing Address
PO Box 196
Gray, Maine 04039

Payment Locations

Water District Office – In Person
Cash, check, or money order
80 Shaker Road
Gray, Maine

Gray Shop ‘N Save – In Person
Cash, check, or money order
35 Portland Road
Gray, Maine

Credit card or ACH payments are accepted online.