REPORT OF BOIL WATER INCIDENT-OCTOBER 14-22, 2024 (click for PDF Download)


October 14-16, 2024
Contractors have completed work to replace water line in vicinity of Wilkies Beach and are conducting work required to assure new line is free of contamination prior to being placed in service. After multiple cycles of chlorination and flushing, testing continued to show traces of contamination. The possibility that the flushing water might be the source of contamination was considered and samples taken in the area. Traces of E coli were found in one sample. Drinking Water program officials and the Town office were notified and a Town-wide boil water order was issued. Boil Water Order was posted on District and Town websites and on social media. District and Town staff initiated call-outs to major affected customers.

October 17, 2024
System-wide chlorination and flushing procedures were initiated and Public Safety staff began distributing bottled water.

October 18-20, 2024
Chlorine monitoring, line flushing and sampling continue throughout time period. Sampling protocols were coordinated with Drinking Water Program officials.
Two of six samples taken on Thursday the 17th showed traces of contamination. Chlorination and flushing continued through the weekend.

October 21, 2024
Six more samples taken throughout the system. Chlorination and flushing actions continue

October 22,2024
All samples test free of contamination and boil water order is lifted. Drinking Water Program and Town Office notified. Town Office staff assists in notifying businesses and residents.


The exact source of contamination cannot be determined with certainty. It is most likely associated with water line construction work in the beach area. Work was substantial with multiple breaks, line pressure variations and major disruption of existing piping. E coli has been the cause for beach closure as recently as this past Summer and it is possible there are failed or failing septic systems at local camps. Work in the area is complex due to line depth, water infiltration and sandy soil. Existing pipe is older, cement-lined cast iron in need of replacement. It is likely that, during break repairs or construction work, contaminated soil or water entered the system and may have lain dormant for period of time until disturbed by final tie-in and flushing operations.


Due to the age and condition of many parts of the distribution system, particularly in the area of the Town beach, it was determined that system-wide chlorination will provide the best level of protection for District customers.

The District will: (1) Establish and maintain residual chlorine levels in the entire system for the
foreseeable future
(2) Return to normal system sampling/testing protocol
(3) Immediately seek grant or other funding to replace the entire line from the
Dry Mills tank to the new section installed on North Raymond Road.